November 15, 2007

Duorastat skábmamánu 15. beaivi

Máilmmi buoremus jipmilbálvalus... In leat makkárge girkoolmmoš, in leat goassege atnán iežan risttalažžan, muhto odne lei báicce vuogas doppe čohkkát. Romssa duopmogirku lei čiŋahuvvon campy ivnniiguin, ja lei nu buorre áibmu. Homofiila báhppa sárdnidii, ledje apeallat, Kine Hellebust lávllui, olbmot geat hálide válde oaigatvuođa (mon in dan dahkan, dieđun), lei hui vuogas, ja go olmmái logai Arnulf Øverlanda divtta “Du må ikke sove” vulggii elektrisitehta álddagassan searvegotti čađa:

Du må ikke gå til ditt kjøpmannskap
og tenke på hvad der gir vinning og tap!
Du må ikke skylde på aker og fe
og at du har mer enn nok med det!

Du må ikke sitte trygt i ditt hjem
og si: Det er sørgelig, stakkars dem!
Du må ikke tåle så inderlig vel
den urett som ikke rammer dig selv!
Jeg roper med siste pust av min stemme:
Du har ikke lov til å gå der og glemme!

Ja maid dál, Girkočoahkkin? Maid dál? Leat go jo healban vealaheami? Leat go healban bákčasa? Morraša? Jipmilmeahttunvuođa? 72 milliuvnna jápmán sielu. Guhte galgá din mánáid beastit go eanan buollá? Dál leat dáivváhis galbmon násttit. Oaidnit lea maid beaivi buktá.


Eduard Abelenda i Puigvert said...


It is a pity that I can not understnd sámi, but I've found your blog and I congratulate you for having a blog in sámi. I'm from Catalonia and I have a young blog like you, written since last summer. I was looking for minority language blogs to put on my links list and I will put your blog. I think I would like the content of your blog as well, because I've taken a very slight idea of the poem in this post. I wonder where do you live. Do you write in a particular sámi dialect or in stndard language? I would like to know more blogs about language and culture written in sámi. Can you advise some blogs? Thank you and good luck with your blog!

Ihpil said...

Thanks, that's very kind! I don't understand catalonian, obviously, but it is cool that you blog in your own language. I live in Tromsø, Northern Norway, and write my blog in northern Saami, with a slight touch of local dialect. There are two nice Saami language blogs that I use to read, and on those blogs there are links to more Saami blogs. Here are the adresses, and good luck on your blogging:

Eduard Abelenda i Puigvert said...

Thanks for your answer. My blog is completely in dialect. I will look this links you've given. I've looked up in the wickipedia about the writter of the poem in this post. Very interesting. I've seen it is a very famous poem, it is partialy translated there. I've got a bilingual newspaper in norweigian and sámi at home and I keep it as a treasure aldough I don't understand almost anything. Ok good luck and go on!